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24 Mar 2012
Stoke on trent
Just a quick question id like to ask how many if you have been threatened with divorce over gaming lol
Haha thats grest then mr lak I only recently managed to sttike a happy mexium with my wife over it. As long as kids in bed n I keep making her coffee im allowed on lol
my wife never gives me any stress about gaming as long as i sort her out first:)
lol..nice thread............i always ask permission,is it ok i go for sniping Dwibbles..hihi

it's not a prob for me if i wanna play.....only answer i get is...ok than tv is for me
Lmao I think this post shows that my wife needs sort her priorities out lol
Mrmedic dont ever do it to urself lol
Never been threathened with that and gaming is great hobby by both wife and son. The only prob i get is having to sort their computers out now and then but it's nevwr been an issue. She even buys me some games and play a few herself. Still we find time for family quality time too.
dont even get me started about my wife lol .. many of you allready know ....... oh fekkin dear !
but i do manage to play when kids are in bed and when she gets in late a play in day sometimes and then tell her its been a shit day and i only got home fives minutes earlier than her lmao ..
lifes a bitch and then you marry one :)
Lol women should be happy if their man is BF playing guy who sits weekend nights home and she don't need worry about him. No need think stuff like for example: Is he cheating me? It's almost sunrise and he is not home, is he ok? Etc... I don't understand women who whines about playing, it's so harmless hobby and way spent freetime.

I don't have problems with girlfriend whos nagging about playing. :)
i agree there and im single so no bother for me, just work and course work gets in the way for me
Lol women should be happy if their man is BF playing guy who sits weekend nights home and she don't need worry about him. No need think stuff like for example: Is he cheating me? It's almost sunrise and he is not home, is he ok? Etc... I don't understand women who whines about playing, it's so harmless hobby and way spent freetime.

lol.. that's exactly what she's told her friends at work.. also not wanting to go to bars or clubs etc anymore due to a load of reasons the past years is apparently a plus and enjoying the beers at home safe home is helluva lot cheaper and you don't have to pay the ridiculously expensive taxis (yes badger.. keep hunting the students not the old cocks. lol) or overrated beerprice etc.
It's so much more relaxing drink at home and watch movie or play or do whatever, for example spam chatbox of NRU. :welsh:
He posts now more than Rich, Geno and me together lol. :D
Yeah.. who the f.. told him to be more active?? LOL.. :tbag:
See if thts caae when may hits lol u will all be voting ban me in here not keep me in clan lmao

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