[Event] Special sunday on our server

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It is in wild wednesday, very common in rotation after gunmaster lancang dam. If we want to talk about gun master Sunday, in my opinion people would leave server also.
then say someting when my things are not good ..
It is in wild wednesday, very common in rotation after gunmaster lancang dam. If we want to talk about gun master Sunday, in my opinion people would leave server also.
guess "rotation" is the wrong word for that. its one of maps there and will shown up in vote map. but when sobody vote that modes or maps, than it will not be player very often. its really simple, the majority of bf4 player will play conquest and so they will vote for it.
at the wild wednesday setup are this modes:
  • CQ large
  • Domination
  • Rush
  • CQ small
  • TDM
  • CTF
  • Chain Link
  • Gunmaster

Also some of this maps running as normal, some as hardcore and some as infantry only.
Is it possible to vote or skip maps at wild wednesday?
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