BF2042 discussion

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NRU Member
15 Mar 2012
Halmstad - Sweden
Reveal trailer soon, no doubt with the mandatory hype.

I know it’s still early days but do you think you’ll buy it?

I’ll wait and see for a number of reasons, being burnt on previous pre-orders being one. Some important factors to consider IMO: is it fun (also for a non-skilled player like myself)?, bugs and glitches? can I run it without splashing out 💶💶💶💶? servers?
i know that i will not preorder something again. just waiting, maybe playing the beta and than lets see. if there is no RSP ( server rental program ) i will not but it, when its in the same range of money as any other battlefield releases before. just to play 20 or 30 hours i can waste my money for other things. same when i see that its not working with my current pc and my onboard vega11 grafic. i am not willing to buy a decent graficcard with that unreal prices ( never paid anything more than 300.- € for a gfc ).
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I'll wait for the real specs and performance tests. If my PC will be able to run it, then I'm in.
Yep. Preorder, deluxe, yada yada. All of it. Been doing it since I started playing battlefield, not stopping now
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I'll try to play the open beta if possible. And then I'll just watch what other people experience are. But I'm not gonna go full 90euro for a game with premium to just play it for a couple hours.

I highly doubt I will stop playing BF4
After BFV which I have played for 56 hours I will try the beta and see what that is like. BF1 and BFV betas were both OK and reasonable fun but the real games not so.
I am going to play the Beta if its an open beta and see how I like it. We havent even seen a real trailer yet though so I am definitely excited for that. I have never preordered a game and won't do that for BF6 as well. As long as I get my 1€ per hour playtime out of it I am happy
probably same as others, try the beta (how is gameplay and how will my humble tower deal with it) and then see. Might buy it later at a discount just to have it in the collection ;)
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Yeah gonna check out the beta and see how i feel about it. I doubt its gonna be better than bf4 tho
I'm excited but like everyone else been burned to many times so waiting for beta and initial launch reviews
You never know BF6 might be awesome and allow private servers so everyone wins except for lakaelo who would have to manage the new server though whatever bullshit EA sets up lol
You never know BF6 might be awesome and allow private servers so everyone wins except for lakaelo who would have to manage the new server though whatever bullshit EA sets up lol
i would be really glad we could have a "rented clan server" in bf6 again. at least like it is in bf4 and we are really used to everything that doesn't work in bf4, or only working half, or timewise or its really from bf3 but partly working in bf4 too or somthing other bullshit lol
Yes I'll probably buy it, but only when it comes out in "1.0" version.

Even if it's going to be very hard not to get spoilers but I'll try to discover the game by myself without watching any gameplay video (except trailers of course haha).

I'm still disappointed that there won't be a single player campaign :(
I usually finish the single player before starting the multiplayer (whether it's on Call Of Duty or Battlefield).

I like this system in BF4 where it unlocked weapons for multiplayer afterwards. I think it could have had some potential.

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