Whitelist appael with K/D

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New Member
23 Aug 2022
Dear NRU managment!

I've came upon your server a while ago, and I enjoy playing there, also I started joining to voice on Discord and met a few good pal there.

Fortuantely in the past day or two, I bought a new BF4 game, for another account because I want to experience again the unlock progression. 🎖️

Due to this, the second account is above the 2.0 K/D ( 2.14 right now ).
I understand the server rules!

I just don't think I'm such a pro player to not have the chance to play at your server.

I do have good rounds, and it's more than not having one, but it's mainly because I just postion myself as much as I can, and there are a few witness who can say I'm not camping. 🏂

Down there is gonna be my main, and the second account.

Thank you in advance for your reply, and for the considaration of my request!

Best regards,
Márton "Tonka" G.

  1. Tonka_official - Battlelog / Battlefield 3
  2. Progression - Tonkamurfs - Battlelog / Battlefield 4
Hi Márton

Seen you play and have no issue being added to the whitelist and will get that done in the morning.

Here is the small print... 😁
Please note that this is discretionary and can be removed at anytime. We do keep a note of how many times you kill us. 🤣

I bet that note is endless page by now.
Sunglasses Get Rekt GIF by Big Brother

Thank you for it!
Can't wait to join in with the 2nd account!

See ya there! :kiss:
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