ChatGPT and the poem of Blame Laka

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NRU Heed
NRU Member
15 Mar 2012
Falkirk, United Kingdom
Had to try ChatGPT ( ) - you can sign-in using a google account or make one.

Instruction: Tell the origin story of Noobs-R-Us but Randomly mention cocks.

Response 1:

Noobs-R-Us was founded by a group of friends who were passionate about gaming. They wanted to create a community where people could come together to learn and play games without feeling judged or overwhelmed. The name "Noobs-R-Us" was chosen as a playful nod to the fact that everyone is a newcomer at some point, and that it's okay to be a "noob" while you're learning.

As the community grew, the founders quickly realized that they needed a mascot to represent the fun and inclusive spirit of Noobs-R-Us. After much debate, they settled on a cartoon cockroach named "Cocky" who would become the face of the community.

Today, Noobs-R-Us is a thriving community of gamers of all skill levels who come together to learn, play, and support each other. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a total noob, there's a place for you at Noobs-R-Us.

Second attempt:

Once upon a time, a group of friends were fed up with constantly getting beat by more experienced players in their favorite video games. They decided to band together and form a team called Noobs-R-Us.

They spent countless hours practicing and honing their skills, determined to prove that noobs could be just as good as anyone else. They even gave themselves a motto: "Don't let your cocks get in the way of your gameplay!"

Despite facing numerous setbacks and obstacles, the team continued to push forward, determined to make a name for themselves in the competitive gaming world. And finally, after months of hard work, they earned their first victory against a seasoned team of gamers.

From that moment on, Noobs-R-Us became a force to be reckoned with, earning the respect of other players and becoming one of the top teams in the world. And they never forgot their humble beginnings, always reminding themselves that with hard work and determination, even the biggest cocks can be overcome.

Question: Will Mary, who knows everything about computers, become a cult figure for Noobs-R-Us?

It is possible that Mary, with her extensive knowledge of computers, could become a cult figure for Noobs-R-Us if she is able to effectively share her knowledge and provide valuable guidance to those who are new to the world of computers. However, it is ultimately up to the members of Noobs-R-Us to decide whether or not they view her as a cult figure.

Question: Write a long poem about Laka and how "Blame Laka" became popular


Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a god named Laka, known for her sway.
She was the goddess of hula and dance,
Bringing joy and beauty to every chance.

But Laka had a dark side, one few knew,
A temper that could make the bravest of men rue.
She was quick to anger and slow to forgive,
And those who crossed her would surely live to regret.

One day, a mortal named Kana stumbled upon Laka's secret,
And she couldn't resist the temptation to keep it.
She spread the word to all who would listen,
That Laka was not the goddess they thought she was, but a vicious and jealous wisprunner.

At first, the people didn't believe the tale,
But soon enough, they began to see it was no fable.
Laka's wrath was unleashed upon the land,
Destroying homes and lives with her angry hand.

"Blame Laka" became the cry of the people,
As they sought to escape her wrath and find a new steeple.
But Laka could not be silenced or tamed,
Her fury only grew as her name became infamous and shamed.

In the end, the people had no choice,
But to flee from Laka and her destructive voice.
They left their homes and all they knew,
In search of a new life, free from the god's cruel view.

And though Laka still roams the land,
Her power and influence have been greatly banned.
Her once great name now only a memory,
A lesson to all on the dangers of jealousy.

So beware, my friends, of the goddess Laka,
For her wrath knows no bounds, and will surely leave you aghast.
Never cross her or speak her name in vain,
Or you too will fall victim to her wrath and the phrase "Blame Laka" will remain.

Just to show that that was what was created....

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Had to try ChatGPT ( ) - you can sign-in using a google account or make one.

Instruction: Tell the origin story of Noobs-R-Us but Randomly mention cocks.

Response 1:

Noobs-R-Us was founded by a group of friends who were passionate about gaming. They wanted to create a community where people could come together to learn and play games without feeling judged or overwhelmed. The name "Noobs-R-Us" was chosen as a playful nod to the fact that everyone is a newcomer at some point, and that it's okay to be a "noob" while you're learning.

As the community grew, the founders quickly realized that they needed a mascot to represent the fun and inclusive spirit of Noobs-R-Us. After much debate, they settled on a cartoon cockroach named "Cocky" who would become the face of the community.

Today, Noobs-R-Us is a thriving community of gamers of all skill levels who come together to learn, play, and support each other. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a total noob, there's a place for you at Noobs-R-Us.

Second attempt:

Once upon a time, a group of friends were fed up with constantly getting beat by more experienced players in their favorite video games. They decided to band together and form a team called Noobs-R-Us.

They spent countless hours practicing and honing their skills, determined to prove that noobs could be just as good as anyone else. They even gave themselves a motto: "Don't let your cocks get in the way of your gameplay!"

Despite facing numerous setbacks and obstacles, the team continued to push forward, determined to make a name for themselves in the competitive gaming world. And finally, after months of hard work, they earned their first victory against a seasoned team of gamers.

From that moment on, Noobs-R-Us became a force to be reckoned with, earning the respect of other players and becoming one of the top teams in the world. And they never forgot their humble beginnings, always reminding themselves that with hard work and determination, even the biggest cocks can be overcome.

Question: Will Mary, who knows everything about computers, become a cult figure for Noobs-R-Us?

It is possible that Mary, with her extensive knowledge of computers, could become a cult figure for Noobs-R-Us if she is able to effectively share her knowledge and provide valuable guidance to those who are new to the world of computers. However, it is ultimately up to the members of Noobs-R-Us to decide whether or not they view her as a cult figure.

Question: Write a long poem about Laka and how "Blame Laka" became popular


Once upon a time, in a land far away,
Lived a god named Laka, known for her sway.
She was the goddess of hula and dance,
Bringing joy and beauty to every chance.

But Laka had a dark side, one few knew,
A temper that could make the bravest of men rue.
She was quick to anger and slow to forgive,
And those who crossed her would surely live to regret.

One day, a mortal named Kana stumbled upon Laka's secret,
And she couldn't resist the temptation to keep it.
She spread the word to all who would listen,
That Laka was not the goddess they thought she was, but a vicious and jealous wisprunner.

At first, the people didn't believe the tale,
But soon enough, they began to see it was no fable.
Laka's wrath was unleashed upon the land,
Destroying homes and lives with her angry hand.

"Blame Laka" became the cry of the people,
As they sought to escape her wrath and find a new steeple.
But Laka could not be silenced or tamed,
Her fury only grew as her name became infamous and shamed.

In the end, the people had no choice,
But to flee from Laka and her destructive voice.
They left their homes and all they knew,
In search of a new life, free from the god's cruel view.

And though Laka still roams the land,
Her power and influence have been greatly banned.
Her once great name now only a memory,
A lesson to all on the dangers of jealousy.

So beware, my friends, of the goddess Laka,
For her wrath knows no bounds, and will surely leave you aghast.
Never cross her or speak her name in vain,
Or you too will fall victim to her wrath and the phrase "Blame Laka" will remain.

Just to show that that was what was created....

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lmao i am dieing. thats brilliant. lol
Seen some examples but it is really good! Did another one....

Tell the story of how the Noobs-R-Us cocks mutated and became the dominant species and exist by hunting down and consuming players banned from the server but make it funny.

Once upon a time, in the virtual land of Noobs-R-Us, a group of mischievous cocks roamed the server causing chaos and destruction. Known as the Noobs-R-Us cocks, these feathered fiends were infamous for their annoying habits and overall annoyingness.

One day, the server admin had had enough and banned the entire flock from the server. But the Noobs-R-Us cocks were not deterred. They began to evolve, mutating into massive, aggressive beasts with razor-sharp beaks and talons.

With their newfound strength, the Noobs-R-Us cocks began to hunt down and consume any player who was foolish enough to be banned from the server. They became the dominant species, ruling over the virtual land with an iron beak.

But despite their fearsome reputation, the Noobs-R-Us cocks were not without their quirks. They had a habit of squawking loudly whenever they spotted a juicy banned player, and they were known to dance on their hind legs in celebration after a successful hunt.

And so, the Noobs-R-Us cocks continue to reign supreme in the world of Noobs-R-Us, terrorizing any player who dares to break the rules of the server. But even the bravest players can't help but chuckle at the silly sight of these mutated cocks strutting their stuff
Seen some examples but it is really good! Did another one....

Tell the story of how the Noobs-R-Us cocks mutated and became the dominant species and exist by hunting down and consuming players banned from the server but make it funny.

Once upon a time, in the virtual land of Noobs-R-Us, a group of mischievous cocks roamed the server causing chaos and destruction. Known as the Noobs-R-Us cocks, these feathered fiends were infamous for their annoying habits and overall annoyingness.

One day, the server admin had had enough and banned the entire flock from the server. But the Noobs-R-Us cocks were not deterred. They began to evolve, mutating into massive, aggressive beasts with razor-sharp beaks and talons.

With their newfound strength, the Noobs-R-Us cocks began to hunt down and consume any player who was foolish enough to be banned from the server. They became the dominant species, ruling over the virtual land with an iron beak.

But despite their fearsome reputation, the Noobs-R-Us cocks were not without their quirks. They had a habit of squawking loudly whenever they spotted a juicy banned player, and they were known to dance on their hind legs in celebration after a successful hunt.

And so, the Noobs-R-Us cocks continue to reign supreme in the world of Noobs-R-Us, terrorizing any player who dares to break the rules of the server. But even the bravest players can't help but chuckle at the silly sight of these mutated cocks strutting their stuff
I read that with Redd Pepper's voice in those 80's - 90's movie trailers (In a world...), that's EPIC ! 🥹
Sam, Laka, and Glen were the leaders of a group of noobs, known for their lack of experience and their tendency to bumble their way through even the most basic tasks. But despite their reputation, they always managed to emerge victorious, much to the surprise of their enemies.

One day, they were tasked with defending their village from a group of bandits. Sam, Laka, and Glen knew that they were outmatched and outgunned, but they refused to back down.

They gathered their weapons and prepared for the fight, determined to do whatever it took to protect their home. As the bandits approached, Sam, Laka, and Glen charged forward, shouting and waving their weapons wildly.

To their surprise, the bandits fled in terror at the sight of them. Sam, Laka, and Glen emerged victorious, their spirits lifted by their unexpected triumph.

Their victory didn't go unnoticed, and soon they were being hailed as heroes throughout the village. The women in particular were enamored with their bravery and their rugged good looks, and they couldn't resist showering them with attention and admiration.

Sam, Laka, and Glen basked in the glow of their success, reveling in the adulation of their adoring fans. They knew that they had once again proven themselves to be the ultimate noob leaders, and they couldn't wait to see what the future held.

The end
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It was a typical Saturday night on the battlefield. A group of noobs were huddled around their computers, strategizing and trying to outmaneuver their opponents. They had been playing for hours, and they were starting to get a little bit tired and thirsty.

One of the noobs suggested that they take a break and grab a beer. The others agreed, and they all headed over to the local bar.

As they were walking, they couldn't help but notice a strange commotion in the distance. They looked closer and saw a group of llamas running around wildly, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went.

The noobs were a little bit confused, but they didn't have time to worry about it. They had more important things to do, like chugging cold beers and talking trash about their opponents on the battlefield.

But as the night wore on, the llamas kept getting closer and closer. It wasn't long before they burst into the bar, causing a scene and disrupting the peaceful atmosphere.

The noobs tried to ignore the llamas and continue their game, but it was impossible to concentrate with all the commotion. And then, to make matters even worse, they noticed that there were a few cheaters in the game. These players were using all sorts of unfair tactics to get ahead, and it was clear that they had no intention of playing fair.

The noobs were starting to get frustrated and angry. They had had enough of the llamas, the cheaters, and everything else. They decided to take a stand and fight back.

They grabbed their controllers and charged into battle, ready to take down the llamas and the cheaters once and for all. And after a long and grueling fight, they emerged victorious.

The noobs celebrated their victory with a round of t-bags and a few more beers, toasting to a Christmas season filled with games, beer, and no more llamas or cheaters.
Sam, Laka, and Glen were the leaders of a group of noobs, known for their lack of experience and their tendency to bumble their way through even the most basic tasks. But despite their reputation, they always managed to emerge victorious, much to the surprise of their enemies.

One day, they were tasked with defending their village from a group of bandits. Sam, Laka, and Glen knew that they were outmatched and outgunned, but they refused to back down.

They gathered their weapons and prepared for the fight, determined to do whatever it took to protect their home. As the bandits approached, Sam, Laka, and Glen charged forward, shouting and waving their weapons wildly.

To their surprise, the bandits fled in terror at the sight of them. Sam, Laka, and Glen emerged victorious, their spirits lifted by their unexpected triumph.

Their victory didn't go unnoticed, and soon they were being hailed as heroes throughout the village. The women in particular were enamored with their bravery and their rugged good looks, and they couldn't resist showering them with attention and admiration.

Sam, Laka, and Glen basked in the glow of their success, reveling in the adulation of their adoring fans. They knew that they had once again proven themselves to be the ultimate noob leaders, and they couldn't wait to see what the future held.

The end
True story
Once upon a time, in a dense forest nestled in the heart of the mountains, there lived a majestic elk named Eliza. Eliza was the leader of a small herd of elk, and she was known throughout the forest for her strength and intelligence.

One day, a group of hunters led by a ruthless general named Misery stumbled upon the herd while on a hunting expedition. Misery was determined to capture the elk, and he set his sights on Eliza, hoping to claim her as a trophy.

The elk tried to flee, but Misery and his hunters were too fast. They chased Eliza through the woods, their weapons drawn and ready to strike. Eliza was able to outmaneuver the hunters, but she knew she couldn't keep this up for long.

As the chase continued, Eliza began to get an idea. She led Misery and his hunters deep into the woods, away from the rest of the herd. When they were far enough away, Eliza stopped and turned to face Misery.

"Why do you hunt us?" Eliza asked, her voice firm and strong. "We have done nothing to harm you."

Misery sneered at the elk. "I hunt because it's what I do," he replied. "And as for you, you are nothing but a trophy to me, something to hang on my wall and show off to my friends."

Eliza shook her head. "You do not understand the value of life," she said. "We are all connected, and every living being has a purpose in this world. Your hunt is nothing but destruction and misery."

Misery laughed at Eliza's words. "I care about nothing except my own pleasure," he said. "And right now, my pleasure is the hunt."

Eliza knew she had to do something. She couldn't let Misery and his hunters continue to destroy the forest and the creatures who lived there. She took a deep breath and charged at Misery, her hooves pounding the ground as she ran.

Misery was taken aback by the sudden attack and fell to the ground. Eliza stood over him, her eyes blazing with determination.

"You will not hunt us anymore," she said firmly. "Leave this place and never return. If you do, you will face the consequences."

Misery glared up at Eliza, but he could see the determination in her eyes. He knew he was no match for the elk, and he and his hunters retreated into the woods, never to be seen again.

And so, Eliza and the elk were saved, and the forest was at peace once more. The animals rejoiced, and Eliza was hailed as a hero, celebrated throughout the land for her bravery and wisdom.
Laka was a quiet and unassuming man who lived in a small village on the outskirts of town. He was known to be a bit of a loner, but he was generally well-liked by the community. One of the things that set Laka apart from the rest of the villagers was his secret garden shed.

Located in the back of his property, the shed was hidden behind a wall of overgrown bushes and trees. No one in the village knew about the shed, and Laka went to great lengths to keep it hidden. He had even built a special lock on the door that could only be opened with a secret combination known only to him.

Despite its secrecy, the shed had gained a reputation among the villagers as a place where people went missing. No one knew for sure what happened to those who ventured into the shed, but rumors circulated that Laka was using it as a place to hide the bodies of those who had crossed him.

One day, a young boy named Timmy went missing after venturing into the shed. His parents searched everywhere for him, but he was nowhere to be found. They eventually turned to Laka, hoping that he might have seen something.

Laka denied knowing anything about Timmy's disappearance, but the villagers didn't believe him. They formed a mob and stormed Laka's property, determined to uncover the truth about the shed.

As they searched the property, they eventually came across the hidden shed. When they broke open the lock, they were shocked to find Timmy inside, alive and well.

It turned out that Laka had been using the shed as a secret hideaway for children who were being bullied at school. He had taken Timmy in and protected him from his tormentors, and had kept the shed a secret in order to protect the children from being found.

The villagers were relieved to find Timmy and grateful to Laka for his kindness, and they vowed to keep the shed a secret in order to protect the children who used it as a sanctuary. From that day on, the shed became a place of hope and healing for anyone in need.
Once upon a time, in the virtual world of the NRU server, a group of players were looking for a way to show their appreciation for each other and their teamwork. One day, one player named Timmy stumbled upon an old glitch in the game that allowed him to crouch down and touch his head to the ground in a particular way. He called it "T-Bagging" and showed it to his friends as a funny little celebration after a successful mission.

The group loved the gesture and started incorporating it into their gameplay anytime they wanted to show their appreciation for each other. It became a symbol of inclusion and camaraderie within the group.

As word of the T-Bag spread throughout the NRU server, more and more players started using it as a way to show their support for their teammates. It wasn't long before T-Bagging became an artform, with players coming up with elaborate and creative ways to perform the gesture.

Some players even started organizing T-Bag tournaments, where teams would compete to see who could come up with the most impressive T-Bag routine. These tournaments became a huge hit, with players from all corners of the NRU server coming together to celebrate their love of the game and each other.

As the years went on, T-Bagging became an indelible part of the NRU server culture. It was a symbol of unity and friendship that brought players together from all walks of life. And for that, the NRU server was all the better for it.
It was New Year's Eve, and the NRU server was abuzz with excitement. The members were all looking forward to ringing in the new year together, and they had planned a special event to celebrate.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, the members began to gather in the main chat room. There were people from all walks of life, representing every corner of the globe. Some were artists, some were programmers, and some were just there to have a good time.

But as the minutes ticked by, it became clear that not everyone was there to celebrate. A group of trolls had infiltrated the server, and they were intent on causing chaos.

They began by hurling insults and making offensive comments, trying to derail the party. But the members of the NRU server were not about to let these bullies ruin their fun. They stood up against the abuse, using their words and their art to combat the negativity.

One member, a talented artist, created a beautiful banner featuring a message of inclusion and love. Another member, a programmer, developed a special tool that helped to filter out the hateful messages.

And as the clock struck midnight, the members of the NRU server came together in solidarity. They cheered and celebrated, reveling in the joy of the new year.

In the end, the trolls were defeated, and the NRU server became a symbol of hope and inclusion. It was a shining example of what can be achieved when people come together to stand up against abuse.
It was Christmas Eve and Sam, Sascha, and Glen were sitting around the living room enjoying a few beers. They were feeling pretty festive and decided to play a video game together. They chose a battle game and decided to go up against some noobs online.

As they started playing, they quickly realized that they were no match for the noobs. They were getting completely destroyed in every round. But instead of getting frustrated, they just laughed it off and continued to enjoy their beers.

After a few more rounds, Sam noticed that Sascha had started to get a little too competitive. He was starting to get angry and was yelling at the screen every time he lost.

Glen saw this and decided to have a little fun with Sascha. He started pretending to be a noob and would do things like miss all his shots on purpose or run in circles instead of attacking the enemy.

This only made Sascha more angry and he started yelling even louder. But Sam and Glen were just laughing uncontrollably at Sascha's expense.

Finally, after a few more rounds, Sascha had had enough. He slammed his controller down and stormed off to bed. Sam and Glen couldn't stop laughing and ended up finishing the night with a few more beers and a few more rounds of noob bashing. It was definitely a Christmas to remember.
Same for the ones I did above too - just copy and paste. It is surprising how it changes with only a slight tweak to the input.

The only thing I did notices was that if you just put Laka it is a she so you do have to specify gender for some names. Or it knows something we dont? 🤔
It was Christmas Eve and Sam, Sascha, and Glen were sitting around the living room enjoying a few beers. They were feeling pretty festive and decided to play a video game together. They chose a battle game and decided to go up against some noobs online.

As they started playing, they quickly realized that they were no match for the noobs. They were getting completely destroyed in every round. But instead of getting frustrated, they just laughed it off and continued to enjoy their beers.

After a few more rounds, Sam noticed that Sascha had started to get a little too competitive. He was starting to get angry and was yelling at the screen every time he lost.

Glen saw this and decided to have a little fun with Sascha. He started pretending to be a noob and would do things like miss all his shots on purpose or run in circles instead of attacking the enemy.

This only made Sascha more angry and he started yelling even louder. But Sam and Glen were just laughing uncontrollably at Sascha's expense.

Finally, after a few more rounds, Sascha had had enough. He slammed his controller down and stormed off to bed. Sam and Glen couldn't stop laughing and ended up finishing the night with a few more beers and a few more rounds of noob bashing. It was definitely a Christmas to remember.
:blameglen::blamesam: glen and sam are pricks. :ROFLMAO:

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