Review Of 2016

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NRU Heed
NRU Member
15 Mar 2012
Falkirk, United Kingdom
I was just reflecting on 2016. Not the greatest year in so many ways, not personally, but in general with so many atrocities around the world. For me it has been an OK year. My knee has got worse reducing mobility and and more painful stopping me doing a lot of things but generally I'm greatful to be reasonably healthy. So I was looking at a few things that have made me happy and one thing that made me sad.

  • Best News: Isobel being made redundant (hasn't actually happened yet but should in 2017). Leaving that place will be good for her.
  • Best Memory: Enjoying the peace and views on holiday
  • Best Gadget: Bread maker, we have had this one a few years now but making fresh bread is so easy and whilst the results can vary it is always enjoyable! Runner up is the Amazon Echo Dot - find it is easy to use and very handy in the kitchen (though it doesn't help with the washing up).
  • Best Christmas Present: A peeler! Got a new vegetable peeler and it is amazing. Yes I know it is silly and I got a lot of other nice things but I just like it!
  • Worst news: The first record I got was Emerson Lake and Palmer. Hearing that first Keith Emerson had died and more recently Greg Lake too was sad. I grew up listening to their music and it was always something I listened too. In the context of what else has happened during the year with terrorist act, shootings and other events it is quite insignificant but was more personal for me. I don't think we will ever understand why people commit such horrid atrocities in the name of their cause or religion. Plus it never seems to help their cause either making the loss of lives and the injuries to others so pointless.
  • Best game: Battlefield 1, yes really! Why? Well it makes you appreciate what you already have and that newer doesn't always mean better.Iin BF4 you can have fun playing with people you know. Of course it is nice to get a good score but the fun is priceless (or about £35 :) )
  • Biggest shock: Getting the message asking if I would become an NRU heed.

2016 has been a pretty awful year in general but for the NRU community I think it has been pretty good. The BF4 server has plenty of new regular players. Often you see comments about how people think it is a good server, with good admins and nice people. That may be trivial compared to what else has happened but if we can help people have some fun then that is something good and reflects well on all of you.
In general to much Haters, war and terror.
Personal a lot of disease, a worse pneumonia and a complicated disc prolapse I am still struggling with and some other illness...And if that wouldn't have been enough, therfore sress with my employer and my Healt Insurance... So 2016 was probably my worst year ever and it can fuck off now!
Welcome 2017 :tbag:
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Indeed, 2016 was/is incredibly horrible and sad in many ways with Trump elected to become POTUS (and his goons i.e. cabinet) and atrocities by ISIS being the worst.

If memeory serves me correctly "Pictures at an exhibition" by ELP was my first album so the loss of Keith Emerson and later Greg Lake was indeed a shock.

In the burning, all are yearning,
For life to be.
And the pain will (must) be gain,
New life!

We listend to that album over and over and over and loved it (and other ELP albums of course) - oh, sweet youth! ;)
Indeed, 2016 was/is incredibly horrible and sad in many ways with Trump elected to become POTUS (and his goons i.e. cabinet) and atrocities by ISIS being the worst.

If memeory serves me correctly "Pictures at an exhibition" by ELP was my first album so the loss of Keith Emerson and later Greg Lake was indeed a shock.

In the burning, all are yearning,
For life to be.
And the pain will (must) be gain,
New life!

We listend to that album over and over and over and loved it (and other ELP albums of course) - oh, sweet youth! ;)

Always wish I had seen ELP live. The only other one I missed was Zeppelin but Jimmy Page went to my school so a little consolation. I spent hours listening to ELP and Tangerine Dream around that time and I'm sure that they helped me to also listen to classical music too.

Yes, Trump is going to be interesting. There have been other presidents that are less than perfect. What is special though that he blatantly lies, it is proven that he lies yet the press seem to ignore it and even accept things as being truthful. Plus his relationship with his daughter seems to cross the creepy line by a long way.
Seeing Heikki's resolve is inspiring. I've never smoked <cough (never inhaled)> and though I enjoy a drink don't do it to excess any more so haven't any experience of what it is like to give up anything. Would love to give up food but that isn't really practical.

Heikki, keep it going and well done.
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Thanks for your support. Its amazing how game can unite people around different countries. :)

I guess that drinking too much was way of escaping stress and problems of life. Need to be 24/7 prepared for possible revenge attacks for justifying in court, death of old friend, health problems etc. Now im trying focus to positive things like sports and games instead of drinking. If i drink first one then i want more and here we go again... Then i wake up somewhere and then somebody friend, cop or doctor tells me what happened last night. So im trying remember if i drink that little break from everything is 1 good thing. Other 99 are bad things. And thats very bad deal. :rolleyes:

I did stop daily smoking after army, then i was 7 years smoking only randomly or when drinking. Now im not smoked at all since autumn 2015. Being without smoking is easier if you have apartment without balcony, its annoying go stairs down and out every hour. And there is good things like better breathing what makes long squat sets easier. :)

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