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NRU Member
13 Aug 2012
I miss the times the day was much better. For days where I could meet you all on the server No fly. Is the time we went so that we do not find the time to meet in the old, how good company? Every day when I come back from work I open the first page of my bookmarks, side of our clan. I still have hope for our server No fly and there will be a few people .... Maybe I'm old, I can go ahead and do not play BC2 or BF3? Battlefield 2 gives me the most joy. I miss you very .... I hope the time we meet again sometime and play together;)
Same here Ulthart mate, I miss the good old No Fly times , I have less time to play at the moment, but lets see if we can get the No Fly running this week. Maybe some'of the counterstrike playing cocks come back too?!
Monday evening first try... so who is in to start the "fucking" No Fly?!!
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Yes, I totally agree with you.

I long for the days when we almost regularly met on the No Fly server and had a good laugh together.

Life moves on but memories don’t.
As I miss you all, too, I do hope to see you out there very soon.

Thank you, Ulthart, for sharing your thoughts with us. :)
why you don´t start a proclamation here at the forum? just in that way "i will play bf2 this evening around 9:00 o´clock." or "time to play bf2 at saturday evening to play some rounds?"
so other player can read this and also join to play some rounds. also you can post this on our facebook page so you get more player maybe.
Odp: I miss you

Unfortunately, this week I'm working on the afternoon shift. I come home after 23:00. Starting next week, I can play every evening.
good wire Ulthart which is sad with our good old bf2 nofly , is that when i connect for toy at night there's nobody , So i go on bf3 , i miss you too mate bf2 and good old rule of bf2 ( no jupping combat and no air combat ) ....
One year ago today, Battlefield 2 was shut down.

I was just taking a stroll down memory lane and recalling many happy moments with a lot of clan members and regulars when BF2 was at its peak.

Thank you for the unforgettable memories. :)
One year ago today, Battlefield 2 was shut down.

I was just taking a stroll down memory lane and recalling many happy moments with a lot of clan members and regulars when BF2 was at its peak.

Thank you for the unforgettable memories. :)

And we also thank you and Stefan for your kindness - you made the bf2 no fly server a better place :D

The way the new server browser works in bf3 and bf4 doesnt favor a community like we had in bf2 which is a bit of a pitty...

But even nicer is that we didnt loose contact to some of the regulars and they still enjoy our Forum! <3
Odp: I miss you

Thank you for reminding Manuela. I play sometimes on different servers in BF2, but it's not the same. Could play on our server for hours and not get bored. Now, after two - three matches turn off the computer. Thanks to all of you again for the wonderful spent hours in BF2
Thank you very much, Stefan, the same goes for you as well – your kindness was always appreciated.
You are right, it’s a really good thing that we did not lose contact with all of the former BF2 players and that we are able to keep in touch with each other via this website.
I am very glad about that.

Many thanks indeed, Grzegorz, I know exactly what you mean.
When playing on other servers, you immediately feel the difference – it can never be the same again.

Although I don’t like truisms or any other form of commonplace remarks, I think there is a grain of truth in that one: “We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were havig fun”.
That's the way it is.

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